Cancellation and
Refund policy
Cancellation before April 30
At any time before April 30, upon written request and accompanied by a medical bill, we will refund the deposit minus the management fee ($125/week) per week registered.
Starting May 1st
Starting May 1st, upon written request and accompanied by a medical bill, we will refund the total amount minus the deposit ($125/week) and the management fee ($125/week) per week registered.
Departure from the camp
In the event of an injury during the stay at Les CampsRep, a medical slip (certifying the total incapacity of the athlete to practice) and the athlete's departure from the camp will be necessary for a partial refund to be issued.
The refund will be calculated based on this formula:
Refunds =
( )
Total cost - (Deposit + Administration fee)
Length of stay (in days)
X Number of complete days missed
Other information
There are no refunds for late arrival, early departure or special diets (if the parent provides part of the food).
The parent will be billed for the cost if an injury requires an ambulance ride or an illness requires medication under a doctor's prescription.
All refunds will be made by two weeks after the end of the CampsRep programs.